Vision & Mission


Eliminate the technical complexity of the Cardano blockchain by building the necessary tooling and infrastructure that native projects and their audiences can use. We want our platform to act as a gateway that helps unite the ADA community and solidify the Cardano network. We also believe that building a gamified experience simplifies complex mechanics of DeFi. This, in turn, accelerates the learning curve of new community members. As a team, we are very inspired by this idea and are making every possible effort to create a platform that is both rewarding and fun to play.


Build a community-driven web3 platform on the Cardano blockchain where all CNFT holders with diverse collections can interact and get incentives for doing so. We want to combine the privacy and decentralization of DeFi with the interoperability of CNFTs in order to create a truly unique and rewarding ecosystem.

Our mission statement is subdivided into three concrete goals:

1/Сommunity Bridge

Our first goal is to create a bridge to connect different CNFT projects in one place and together evolve the Cardano Network. This is done in two ways: (1) by giving the opportunity to like-minded individuals to come together and engage in a fun experience, and (2) by providing the opportunity to CNFT holders to accrue value from their otherwise dormant collections.

2/Demand-Driven Economy

We aim to generate high demand by being the first platform in the Cardano ecosystem to offer incentives for CNFT collections (introducing recurring cash flow). This, as well as other tools and services on our platform, enable CNFT projects to increase the value of their collections while positioning them in a favorable way for co-marketing activities.


Transparency builds trust between new projects and their community. All information related to EXO tokenomics, token distribution, the staking system, and our Treasury are available in this whitepaper and displayed on our website. We further aim to actively update the community on predetermined timeframes with regard to the project’s development stages and new features. This is communicated through our social media channels and our website.

Last updated